Saturday, 15 February 2014

Saturday February 15th

After a very stormy night that brought down trees at the top of the lane pulling electricity cables with them [luckily not affecting us down our lane] an afternoon run, only a road run round town but included 'Snowden hill' [no not that Snowdon!] 5.6 miles at a very steady pace. Shin OK, Knee OK, sun shone all the way round and being low in the sky quite dazzling on the way back up the hill and home. Nice red sunset though now as I type this. Hopefully a cycle ride tomorrow and then fix up for a longer Quantocks run in the week, just need to sort the best day weather wise and decide on whether to drive to 'Brum' for Caravan and Camping show, calling in to see Grandaughter on the way back.

That makes a good 16 miles  running, and 51 miles  cycling this week, getting back to normal, I now need to raise the game and increase the miles, but not too much, too quick. Got to get near to 20 miles by end of March if I want to succeed on the Exe to Axe. More time on my feet required!

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