Wednesday 21st November
Virtually a month since my last post, the speed of days passing seems to increase, I can’t believe it’s nearly 6 months since we moved to a new house in a new town in a different part of the county!
The weather has been up and down since the last post, freezing cold easterly winds followed by spells of warmish weather? So sorting clothing for running or cycling has become a challenge, usually making the wrong choice! And being too hot and sweaty, particularly cycling, but also running along the beach with a chilly breeze off the sea.
My exercise regime seems to have settled into a routine, though very much governed by the weather, I don’t do cycling in the wet!!
I have finally managed to join a yoga class, which I really enjoy, and surprise myself each week, the tutor is very good, and helpful as she is a cyclist and runner, it will be interesting to see how much it impacts on my running and cycling, I think it does help my Plantar Faciitis which is good.
I have also joined the local running club and run with them on Tuesday evenings and circuit train with them on Thursday evenings, which is usually a hard session, so the ‘billy no mates’ when running with them is improving! So currently I try to run three times a week, but! I seem to be stuck at a maximum 10 k distance?? Which is not good for training for the Grizzly next March! But will try to pick up the distance after Christmas.
I am entered in a 5 k Christmas run over Brean Down next week, dressed in a Santa costume! Which will be interesting!!
Cycling my weekly mileage seems to be around 100 miles over three days, I get out with a couple of local lads on Wednesday each week, the mileage around 40 but the average speed usually high around 15.5 to 16 mph! Across the levels, there is usually a head wind home, living on the west coast! The roads across the levels are really nice, quiet roads, with stunning views across the rivers, streams( Rhynes) and moors, wild life is abundant, herons, swans, egrets, etc. So I am now getting used to where places are and the distances between them, I have several routes I call ‘bread and butter’ routes I know I can cycle in a certain time, helpful for shorter days.
Sunsets on this coast are beautiful I will try and post pictures if I can!