23rd April
The last week summer arrived meaning our Wednesday wobble was a hot one! enabling a good ride over the levels to Westhay and 'Sweets' cafe a well known cafe used by cyclists, it was a very windy return ride with headwinds all the way.it was a good week cycling wise with over 150 miles cycled. The same week my daughter and I ran the Burnham on Sea Park run, a lovely run on a chilly morning!! but she got a personal best under 30 minutes. I am running several times a week, 3-5 miles,but i did manage a 9 mile run. PF still nags in the background but the insoles definitely help, providing I weer them all the time.
The last month has had us in turmoil, clearing out lofts, garages and sorting things out for when we eventually get to move house, its been six weeks now and we hope to hear something soon!!!
Cycling and running my miles are down, weather and house buying and selling getting in the way,
March 2017 running 95 miles and cycling 194miles
March 2018 running 56 miles and cycling 170 miles
April 2017 running 42 miles running and cycling 576 miles
April 2018 running 44 miles running and cycling 306 miles
My motivation has improved especially when out with a group, I just hope the weather stays 'improved' I have not entered any cycling or running events, as I am unsure about when we will move!!